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1365 results:

Bananas, Bruised but Not Beaten

Bananas, Bruised but Not Beaten At least 1,000 hectares of banana farms in Southern Mindanao have been destroyed so far by Fusarium, a disease with no known cure that organic farming advocates said…

Pile of yellow and green bananas

Gardens in the South Pacific Ocean

Gardens in the South Pacific Ocean Sometimes you can find the most telling information in a newspaper not in the articles, but in the ads. A supermarket circular in the South Pacific tells its…

How Does a Toxic Grasspea Save Lives?

How Does a Toxic Grasspea Save Lives? Dr. Haileyesus Getahun was traveling in the remote north of his native Ethiopia when he encountered a painful sight. After cruising over a beautiful but arid…

The African Rice the World Forgot

The African Rice the World Forgot When a pair of reporters traveled to the Nigerian town of Ofada looking for its famously delicious local rice, they were surprised to find no rice at all. Onabiyi’s…

Africa Rice

No Such Flavor as Strawberry

No Such Flavor as Strawberry This year your strawberries could be as white as the cream poured over them, after a new variety went on sale today. The pineberry is said to combine the shape and…

Threatened Wild Sunflowers

Threatened Wild Sunflowers   The line of cars was so thick that Hill County farmer Rodney Schronk couldn’t get into his field of sunflowers. Hordes of rubber-neckers stopped along Interstate…


Yam: Feast and Forest

Yam: Feast and Forest Yet again, citizens of the region of Mahi yesterday celebrated the Feast of Yams. It was held at the Royal Palace of Savalon in the presence of a huge crowd and a group of…

Bringing Diversity Back to Maize

Bringing Diversity Back to Maize 6,700 years ago the ancient Peruvians were eating popcorn – 1,000 years earlier than previously thought, according to a study by the Museum of Natural History in…

Maize diversity. (Photo: Luis Salazar/Crop Trust)

Rich Soil With a Side of Beans

Rich Soil With a Side of Beans Insects invade neighborhood in Manizales The large number of flies may be caused by improper usage of fertilizers. According to the local people in the La Linda…

Nature’s Answer to Eggplant Angst

Nature’s Answer to Eggplant Angst S. Aarayiammal (45) of Irumputhipatty near here, who has been yearning for a good spell of rain, feels so relaxed now thanks to the unseasonal rain in different…

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