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1364 results:

Science Magazine: 'DivSeek' Aims to Mine the Genetic Treasure in Seed Bank Vaults

Science Magazine: 'DivSeek' Aims to Mine the Genetic Treasure in Seed Bank Vaults Virginia Gewin discusses the launch of DivSeek in Science Magazine. Agricultural gene banks hope soon to cease…

Science Against Climate Change: Unlocking Wild Genes in Wheat

A newly bred “black-spiked” wheat with a hardiness likened to the strength of mountains is among new developments in agri-food science, which are humanity’s strong arm to offset the noticeably…

Farmer placing a stone to vote for wheat variety.

SciDevNet Covers DivSeek

SciDevNet Covers DivSeek SciDevNet explores how 'DivSeek project aims to uncover crops’ hidden genetic data' A wealth of plant genetic data that could help develop more-resilient and…

SciDev: Plant Bank to Preserve Biodiversity of Pacific Crops

SciDev: Plant Bank to Preserve Biodiversity of Pacific Crops SciDev reports on the Crop Trust's agreement with the Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees to conserve unique crop varieties. [MANILA] The…

Pile of yellow and green bananas

SciDev.Net: Global Network of Seed Information Takes Root

SciDev.Net: Global Network of Seed Information Takes Root Efforts to preserve and protect plant information are accelerating — but not without risks, reports Claire Provost in SciDev.Net. As an…

Scanning the Future of Genebanks

By Luigi Guarino | Director of Science and Programs

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

Scanning the Future of Genebanks

Scanning the Future of Genebanks By LUIGI GUARINO | Director of Science and Programs Anybody who buys something in a supermarket these days knows a little about barcodes. You put your purchases…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat
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