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1365 results:

GRIN-Global: A Data Management Tool for All Genebanks

GRIN-Global: A Data Management Tool for All Genebanks Genebanks safeguard and make available the genetic diversity of our food crops. This is a critically important endeavor, but protecting and…

Heavier Than a Sheaf of Rye

Heavier Than a Sheaf of Rye Luigi Guarino | Director of Science and Programs I have a list somewhere of all the crops that have, at one time or another, been called the “key” to healthy diets, and…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

Joining Hands for Conservation

Joining Hands for Conservation Luigi Guarino| Director of Science and Programs There’s a question I’m asked a lot when I give introductory talks about the Crop Trust: what do we have against in situ…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

Quality Matters

Quality Matters Marie Haga | Marie's Corner The job of the Crop Trust is to safeguard one of the world’s most important natural resources – namely plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.…

The Cows Come Home

The Cows Come Home Luigi Guarino | Director of Science and Programs Cows get a lot of bad press these days. They are blamed for climate change and deforestation and even unhealthy diets, as if it’s…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

USDA Honors Crop Diversity with 2nd Largest Seed Deposit

USDA Honors Crop Diversity with 2nd Largest Seed Deposit 19 September 2016 - the Svalbard Global Seed Vault’s doors were opened as 53 new boxes of seeds arrived from the United States Department…

Seeds still life in a box. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

Escaping Lethal Yellowing

Escaping Lethal Yellowing Luigi Guarino|Director of Science and Programs Readers of a certain age may remember a catchy but ever-so-slightly annoying tune from the late 70s called “Escape,” which…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

More Than Just Talking Shop: AGM 2014

More Than Just Talking Shop: AGM 2014 By LUIGI GUARINO | Director of Science and Programs All the genebank managers of the CGIAR centres get together every year as part of the CGIAR…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

Seeds of Time

Seeds of Time A perfect storm is brewing as agriculture pioneer Cary Fowler races against time to protect the future of our food.

Gene banks of the world are…

seeds of time promotional banner thumbnail

Crop Trust Wins Video of the Day Award

Crop Trust Wins Video of the Day Award The Crop Trust's brand new video, Securing Our Food, Forever, has received the video of the day award by VOTD.TV. VOTD.TV awarded the Crop Trust…

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