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1364 results:

Endowment Fund

At the heart of the Crop Trust is its endowment fund, a key foundational element that underpins its work.

Hand holding barley varieties

Information Systems

Genebank data and information systems are central to the effective conservation and use of plant genetic resources.

Seed samples with QR code on computer screen

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Official BOLD Project Launch at Global Citizen Live: Paris

The Norwegian Minister of International Development Dag Inge Ulstein announces the Crop Trust's new project, BOLD, live on stage in Paris.

Emergency Reserve for Genebanks

The Emergency Reserve for Genebanks provides rapid, short-term and urgent support to seed collections in the global system.

Buildings damaged by war in Aleppo, Syria

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is our insurance against the loss of crop diversity and is the world's largest backup facility for seeds.

Exterior view of Svalbard Global Seed Vault from behind

Seeds for Resilience

Seeds for Resilience is a five-year project to support the national genebanks of Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia

Hands holding a variety of beans in Rwanda

Dr. Lava Kumar

Dr. Lava Kumar is the Head of the Germplasm Health and Virology and Diagnostics at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), headquarters in Ibadan, Nigeria. He has over 25 years…

Lava Kumar
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