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1364 results:

Strawberry Seeds Deposited at the First Svalbard Global Seed Vault Opening of 2021

Strawberry Seeds Deposited at the First Svalbard Global Seed Vault Opening of 2021 FAO’s International Year of Fruits and Vegetables is being recognized all around the globe—including at the Svalbard…

Trolley in Svalbard deposit tunnel

Strategic Development of the Crop Trust

The project is supporting the Crop Trust in its institutional development and strategic repositioning.

Two people in terraced rice field

Stay-Green Sorghum to the Rescue

Stay-Green Sorghum to the Rescue The arid-zone grain sorghum can be made even more tolerant of drought, new research shows. Drought tolerance in sorghum—the world’s fifth most important cereal…

Sorghum near Kakemega County, Kenya. Photo: Michael Major/Crop Trust

Start Here: Genesys

Start Here: Genesys Online tool is improved to unleash power of crop diversity. October 2015 -- Scientists developing the new crop varieties that will feed a burgeoning global population will…

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has a population of over 22.2 million. Its natural vegetation covers about one-third of the total land area. The virgin forests of Sri Lanka are rich in their variety and profusion of flora…


A member of the Cucurbita genus, the ‘squash’ comes from the New England aboriginal word ‘askutasquash’, which means vegetables eaten…

Varieties of squash in a pile

Spiegel: Eröffnen wir mal 'ne Samenbank

Spiegel: Eröffnen wir mal 'ne Samenbank Spiegel Online reports on the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in August 2011. Überall auf der Welt schwindet die Vielfalt der Nutzpflanzensorten in hohem…

Svalbard at night


Government Representatives: Roberto Jaguaribe Ambassador Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Berlin Roberto Jaguaribe was born in Rio de Janeiro on December 27, 1952. He holds a…

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