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1363 results:

#CropsInColor Q&A with Brent Stirton

#CropsInColor Q&A with Brent Stirton Luis Salazar | Global Crop Diversity Trust  In his two-decade career, Brent Stirton has focused his work on issues dear to his heart, which include…

#CropsInColor Welcomes the Oak Spring Garden Foundation, Food Tank, and the Tastes of Appalachia

#CropsInColor Welcomes the Oak Spring Garden Foundation, Food Tank, and the Tastes of Appalachia The Crop Trust’s global #CropsInColor campaign, with additional support from the Oak Spring…

'Tip of the Iceberg' by Stefan Schmitz, Crop Trust Executive Director

'Tip of the Iceberg' by Stefan Schmitz, Crop Trust Executive Director Stefan Schmitz | Executive Director In November 2019, it was my honor to accept the position of Executive Director of the Crop…

'Wild' Times at the Crop Trust

'Wild' Times at the Crop Trust Marie Haga | Marie's Corner It’s been a particularly “wild” time for many Crop Trust staff recently, with teams heading to far-flung corners of the world - and often…

Maries corner headshot

15 Years of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault

15 Years of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault: New deposit from 20 genebanks and a new virtual tour to celebrate the remote Arctic seed store

New seeds are being deposited at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

16 Women Scientists Securing the Future of our Food

16 Women Scientists Securing the Future of our Food In honor of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Crop Trust is highlighting some of our past interviews with talented women who…

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