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1364 results:

CIP-Matilde Potato Variety

Introducing CIP-Matilde, a New Disease-resistant Potato On World Food Day 2021, the Crop Trust and the International Potato Center (CIP) announced a new potato variety for farmers…

Mariluz Cardenas holding a box of tubers

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture

GFFA 2023: Food Systems Transformation: A Worldwide Response to Multiple Crises

GFFA signage

Reversing Tree Diversity Decline: Why We Need All the Species We’ve Got

New report shows importance of tree diversity for ecosystems and people in a changing climate.

Shot of a forest from above.

Crop Strategy: Potato 2022 update (low res)

Crop Strategy: Potato 2022 update (low res) GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR THE CONSERVATION OF POTATO The International Treaty ON PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ‹–Š •—’’‘”– ˆ”‘ …

Crop Diversity Can Save Food from the Climate Crisis

It is sometimes said that one crisis leads to another. There is little doubt that humanity is now facing a cascade of crises closely connected with climate change.

diverse crops in Sri Lanka
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