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1364 results:

Plants in Print

Plants in Print It’s not very often that books with state-of-the art information on plant genetic resources come out, so when one does, it’s worth celebrating, and not just because I happen to have…

ICARDA Terbol Station in Beqaa Valley, Lebanon

Planet Wheat

Planet Wheat Every year farmers grow around $150 billion worth of wheat, providing 23% of the calories we live on. But some years it all goes wrong. 2010 was a bad year for wheat: a heat wave in…

Pigeonpea: Food for Drought

Pigeonpea: Food for Drought Drought is a terrifying prospect for all farmers, and a matter of life and death for many. A nutritious legume that can produce harvests with just 65 cm of rain a year,…

Picking Up Where We Left Off

Picking Up Where We Left Off Marie Haga | Marie's Corner Picking up where we left off: my previous post was published from Lima, Peru, during our last Executive Board meeting. I would like to…

Photo Exhibition

1. The Global Crop Diversity Trust The Crop Trust is an international non-profit organization dedicated to conserving crop diversity and making it available for use globally, forever and for the…


The Philippines has a population of around 100 million people. The agriculture and food sector in the Philippines account for almost 15-20% of gross national income. It employs around 32% of the…


Luigi Guarino | Director of Science and Programs

Illustration of scientist holding wheat


PGR Go Luigi Guarino | Director of Science and Programs  OMG! Look, over there! Mewtwo! Quick, let’s catch it Oh, I’m sorry, did I distract you from your own Pokémon Go? Seems like everybody’s…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat


Peru has a population of 30 million people. Constituting one of the world’s mega biodiverse countries, it is largely divided into the western coastline (partly Atacama Desert), the Andean mountains,…

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