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1365 results:

Beyond Thundervault

Beyond Thundervault Luigi Guarino  The God Particle and the Doomsday Vault: I was half expecting the divine connection that could be read into those names to be ecstatically seized upon during…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

Marie's Intervention at GB6

Marie's Intervention at GB6 Below is the Crop Trust's report, delivered by Marie Haga, to the participants of the Sixth session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty (GB6) held…

The Autumn Report

The Autumn Report Marie Haga | Marie's Corner Let us start this month's 'Corner' with the scientific work and mention the following: A visit of our staff and to negotiate collecting agreements in…

Guest Op-Ed: A Global Response to a Global Challenge

Guest Op-Ed: A Global Response to a Global Challenge Last week Izmir hosted more than 80 of the world’s leading scientists in the field of plant genetic resources. As a meeting of scientists…

Expression of Interest: Investment Advisory Firm

Expression of Interest: Investment Advisory Firm To whom it may concern, The Global Crop Diversity Trust (the "Crop Trust") is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified and experienced…

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October 2015 in Photos

October 2015 in Photos Marie Haga | Marie's Corner October has proven to be the busiest month of 2015 for us all at the Crop Trust. We have organized events and activities all over the world – from…

Seed Longevity Initiative: Towards a More Efficient Global System of Germplasm Conservation

Seed Longevity Initiative: Towards a More Efficient Global System of Germplasm Conservation The diversity of most of the world’s major crops is collected, conserved and exchanged in the form of seeds…

Guest Post: Nourishing Collaborations

Guest Post: Nourishing Collaborations A social anthropologist tells us about her recent experiences amidst a large and global community working towards conserving and using plant genetic resources…


Announcing the Genesys Advisory Committee

Announcing the Genesys Advisory Committee Statement from the Executive Director Over the last four years Genesys has grown into the Internet’s most comprehensive portal for plant genetic resources,…

Economic Benefits of Crop Diversity

Economic Benefits of Crop Diversity Crop diversity is the raw material for the development of new and improved varieties, which provide a range of important benefits to farmers and…

Cassava plantlets in the CIAT genebank in Cali. Barcoded labels link each plantlet to an accession database with information on the variety, landrace or wild relative and where it was collected. Some types have long since vanished from fields, but these tiny offspring keep the diversity alive. Any one of them can be grown into a full-sized crop, which could hold the key to beating a virus in Vietnam or grasshoppers in Ghana.
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