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1364 results:

Seed Summit Highlights Need for Genetic Diversity

Seed Summit Highlights Need for Genetic Diversity A recent summit entitled Genetic diversity for more resilient food systems looked at the urgent need of safeguarding crop diversity due to the impact…

Seed Longevity Initiative: Towards a More Efficient Global System of Germplasm Conservation

Seed Longevity Initiative: Towards a More Efficient Global System of Germplasm Conservation The diversity of most of the world’s major crops is collected, conserved and exchanged in the form of seeds…

Seed Heroes

Where Dedication Meets Action in the Ongoing Effort to Safeguard Our Planet's Vital Genetic Resources Embark on a captivating journey with Seed Heroes, a special campaign by the Crop Trust, as we…

Seed Conservation Continues Despite The Pandemic

Seed Conservation Continues Despite The Pandemic Secure Crop Diversity, Secure Food The global pandemic has not halted efforts to secure agrobiodiversity. Genebanks around the world continue to…

Seed Collecting, Conservation and Collaboration in West Africa

Seed Collecting, Conservation and Collaboration in West Africa As a young boy growing up in Niger, Hamidou Falalou fell in love with the search for answers and knew he wanted to become a scientist.…

Seed Banks: the Last Line of Defense Against a Threatening Global Food Crisis

As climate breakdown and worldwide conflict continue to place the food system at risk, seed banks from the Arctic to Lebanon try to safeguard biodiversity.

Securing the World’s Rice, Forever

Securing the World’s Rice, Forever Marie Haga | Marie's Corner This month was historic for the Crop Trust. For the first time, we agreed to fund a genebank with the longest possible time horizon –…

Maries corner headshot
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