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1363 results:

22 People & Organizations Working to Preserve Appalachia's Biodiversity

22 People & Organizations Working to Preserve Appalachia's Biodiversity This fall, Food Tank and the Crop Trust traveled throughout Appalachia to highlight and celebrate its unique food cultures and…

50,000 Petitioners Support Russian Genebank

50,000 Petitioners Support Russian Genebank ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA (21 September 2010)—A global social media campaign to save Europe’s most important collection of fruits and berries has…

A Bandwagon in the Mainstream

Luigi Guarino | Director of Science and Programs

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

A Bandwagon in the Mainstream

A Bandwagon in the Mainstream Luigi Guarino | Director of Science and Programs Mainstreaming has been at full flood of late. The 13th Conference of the Parties (COP13) of the Convention on…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

A Busy Month North and South

A Busy Month North and South Marie Haga | Marie's Corner The 17th meeting of the Executive Board is taking place right now in Lima, Peru where we will discuss how we envisage the complete global…

A Carrot Revolution Takes Root in Bangladesh

A Carrot Revolution Takes Root in Bangladesh “Everybody in Bangladesh loves carrots: all social classes, all ages, all religions, all casts,” says M.A. Rahim, a professor at the Bangladesh…

Carrots in a basket.

A Change in Seasons

A Change in Seasons Confronting the message of drought in a shifting maize belt Farming in Southern Africa takes good crops, ingenuity, and rain. But can it work with two out of three? View the…

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