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1364 results:

Our Food System Isn't Ready for the Climate Crisis

The world's farms produce only a handful of varieties of bananas, avocados, coffee and other foods – leaving them more vulnerable to the climate breakdown

A Year of Great Hope

2021 reflections by Stefan Schmitz, Crop Trust Executive Director

Svalbard Global Seed Vault. (Photo: Riccardo Gangale)

Food Prices Are on the Rise – And the Global South Will Be Hit Hardest

By Stefan Schmitz, published in the Independent

With the harvest in progress outside of Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, a threshing team uses flat rocks to knock rice grains from freshly cut plants. Madagascar, the world’s fourth largest island, holds 2.4 million farms. At harvest time, the rhythm of rice threshing can be heard on most of them. While the country is most famous for exotic products like vanilla and cloves, 85% of Malagasy farmers grow rice.

Diverse Food is the Real Low-Cost Food

Stefan Schmitz | Executive Director

A Window of Opportunity for a Sustainable Future

Stefan Schmitz | Executive Director

A Year Like No Other

2020 Reflections by Stefan Schmitz, Crop Trust Executive Director

Photo of Stefan Schmitz

How to Feed a Growing Global Population in the Midst of a Climate Crisis

By Stefan Schmitz, Executive Director of Crop Trust and Tony Simons, Director General of World Agroforestry

Small scale farms and community groups line the road from Samfya to Mansa and focus on Cassava production for local consumption and to a lesser extent starch export.
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